Romance Reader Book Tag

I found this tag over on Delighted Reader and she found it on Under the Covers blog. The tag was created by Romance Queen of Booktube and Not Just Romance Novels. This is a fun tag to showcases my love for the romance genre.


1. How old was I when I started reading romance?


I started in my mid-20’s after I graduated from college. On my about page I talk about my husband’s Aunt who is an avid reader and how she got me into romance. My first experience was with Jeaniene Frost and her Night Huntress series. After that I was hooked.



2. If I could pick one hero from a favorite romance to meet, who would it be and why?


Oh my god! That’s a very tough question to answer. I’ve got my favorites like Adam from the Mercy Thompson series, Curran from the Kate Daniels series, and Bones from the Night Huntress series. If I have to pick it would be a tossup between my two favorite shifters Adam and Curran. 




3. Who are my favorite romance authors and why?


Ilona Andrews – The Andrews team bring out the best and worst in their characters. Since it’s a husband and wife team they give us both the male and female perspectives done accurately which make their characters that much more relatable. I also love their world building. They just have a way with words and bring everything out. Making it feel so real and vivid. Favorite series: Kate Daniels thou I love everything they have written.



Nalini Singh – What can I say. Her Sci-Fi world and characters in her Psy-Changeling series hooked me. I love how she built this world and the unique characters we get. Shifters of all kinds, people with unique powerful gifts, and more. Besides the PNR she also writes Contemporary Romance thou I haven’t read them yet. I like when authors can diversify. Favorite series: Psy-Changeling & a spin-off Psy-Changeling Trinity thou I also enjoy her Guild Hunter which features Angels and Vampires. 



Gena Showalter – I like when authors diversify and Showalter is one. She writes PNR, Young Adult, and Contemporary Romance. I very much like her Lords of the Underworld series thou I haven’t re-read them nor am I up too date, but I have re-read/listened to The Original Heartbreakers series. I adore the sweet home town feel she has created and the characters that are like us, every day people, dealing with issues like we do. 





4. What is my favorite romance to re-read?


I like my romance to be platonic. No love triangles.  Troupes I enjoy are Second Chance Romances, Soul Mates (find a lot of this in PNR). & Friends to Lovers or Enemy’s to Lovers. No a Billionaire fan. I think that everything is too easy when you have a lot of money.  I also love having loads of action, suspense or maybe a mystery, and world building in any of my reads. 


I’ve got a lot of series that I re-read/re-listen to that have a lot of what I like in my romance:


Dragon Kin series by G. A. Aiken, the Pride series by Shelly Laurenston, the Kate Daniels, Hidden Legacy, & Innkeeper Chronicles series by Ilona Andrews, The Original Heartbreakers series by Gena Showalter, and Mercy Thompson and Alpha & Omega series by Patricia Briggs.


Do I have a favorite book in each series? Yes and No. Here are a few of my favorites, but I do love all the books in the series listed. Some I can’t pick a favorite. 


  • Kate Daniels – Book 3 Magic Strikes
  • Hidden Legacy – Book 1 Burn For Me
  • Dragon Kin – Book 1 Dragon Actually, Book 3 What A Dragon Should Know 
  • The Original Heartbreakers – Book 3 Can’t Hardly Breath


5. What would I recommend to non-romance readers?


Pick a genre you will enjoy! If you love Paranormal then I’d say read any of the series and authors I mentioned above; Ilona Andrews, Patricia Briggs, Nalini Singh, Felicity Heaton, and the list can go on. If you’re into Contemporary then I’d recommend the Original Heartbreakers or if you like Suspense then the K-9 Rescue series by D.D. Ayers. If your into Sci-Fi then I say Author Anna Hackett is perfect for this genre and she’s got many different series to try out. If you enjoy Erotic then Setta Jay and her Guardians of the Realms series. 


Feel free to check out my Must Read page with recommendations on books and series I’ve enjoyed or stop by my Amazon Shopping Page for more recommendations. 


6. Which is my favorite genre and why?


Favorite genre is Fantasy or Paranormal with romance added in. I love diving into another world, getting magic, and unique characters that don’t define any logic.




Share some of your favorite romances? What type of trope do you like most? What type of genre inside the romance do you enjoy? I’d love to hear your answers to the questions or just jump in and share your favorite romance to re-read!!





I was born and raised in Northern Indiana. I’m an outdoor sun loving reader living near San Fransisco. I’m a mother, wife, dog owner, animal, and book lover. I’m the owner, reviewer, and mind behind Angel’s Guilty Pleasures. My favorite animals are horses & dogs. As for reading I love all things paranormal & urban fantasy. My favorite shifters are dragons!

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