Lending Library
Nook and Kindle offer the option of loaning out eBooks. Not all the books are available to loan, but I am happy to check and see if it’s available.
Read more about Amazon’s Lend or Borrow program
Note: At this time Amazon only always lend/borrow from US to US resident.
Note: B&N Loans out to anyone who has a B&N account.
If you wish to borrow an eBook send me an email: tigerlilly_liz (at) hotmail (dot) com
- Subject Line: Online Borrow From Your Library
- Body of Email:
- Nook or Kindle.
- Name & Author of book.
- Also email address to send to. (Not your Kindle email) Note: For B&N aka Nook I need the email your account is under to send you those eBooks.
** If you have a title you are looking for just send an email and I’ll search for it and let you know if I have it or not. **