Darkness Falls

Darkness Falls - Erin Kellison ~ 3.5 Darkness Stars ~

Darkness Falls is book one in the Reveler series by [a:Erin Kellison|3395248|Erin Kellison|https://d.gr-assets.com/authors/1275545823p2/3395248.jpg]. I’m not sure how I feel about this. I’m not a big fan of things that do with the mind, dreaming, and/or time travel. I always feel there is to much to take in and to many options.

Darkness Falls is about dreaming, living a life within your dreams. It’s a shot read, but not an easy one. I had a hard time following the world at times, eventually I got use to it and some things flowed even though I did not have a complete grasp of what went on. Things will probably become more clearer as the series progresses. The characters are interesting. Malcolm is a character you want to root for and Jordan has a impious sense of humor. Their is some heavy flirting, a sex scene or two and an element of danger. The ending leaves you with some unanswered questions and a feeling that you need to read on to complete the story.

Darkness Falls is part of the Dark and Deadly box set, but also can be picked up solo. I went back and forth on Darkness Falls between liking it and not, but by the end I felt it was a good read. I would like to see what happens in book two, but it’s not a story I felt I could read again over and over.
