Ral's Woman

Ral's Woman - Laurann Dohner 2 Zorn Star’s

Ral’s Woman is the first book in the sci-fi romance Zorn Warriors series. Well I’ve not read much sci-fi alien romance love stores, so I don’t have much to compare this too, though I have read other Laurann Dohner works and I must say Ral’s Woman was poorly done.

Ral is a Zorn alien. Him and his people have been cavorted and in slaved by the lizard aliens to mine the astroid/ship. When he meets Ariel he is really curious about her and is eager to learn the ways of pleasing a woman of her species. He’s very partitive of Ariel: “She is mine. Don’t touch her. You touch her. You Die.”
Ariel well first I thought of the little mermaid and had a good laugh, but moving on. Ariel is human and she has been kidnapped from Earth by lizard type aliens who want to breed her. As it turned out she is not compatible to breed with the lizard guys, so instead they give her to the Zorn who they have in slaved to mine their astroid/ship. The Zorn must fight and the winner gets her. Ral wins and takes her to his room caveman style where they have hot sex. Then he starts saying that she is his. “I think you don not understand. You are mine for life. I claim you. I won you. I will keep you. We will breed often and I am hoping you will take my seed to root.”

It’s a very simple read, short, not very well done, and predictable. Not much world creation, but maybe in the other books it comes out. The description of sex scenes was poor, character development is nell, and I never felt a connection between Ariel and Ral. Maybe it was supposed to happen when they locked eyes at first meeting, but I felt nothing and as the book progressed I still did not feel that love connection even when they mentioned love.
