Angel’s Monthly Wrap Up – February 2017


Monthly Updates


Well dang where has the month gone. I thought I had one more day, but nope Feb. 28th is the last day of the month. Geewhiz! I'm putting this post together at the very last minute. I've been battling a migraine for two days now. Those that get them, know how bad the can be and how hard it is to function and get things done. =/


Let's see this month I got a last minute visit from my parents. I usually mark off on my calendar the visiting time, so I can plan to not have posts (like tours) and just feature a review when family comes, but this time I had already booked the week. It turned out ok, but I didn't get to read. I miss reading when I can't do it. 


I've signed up to participate in a few blog hops this year, so keep an eye out for them. 



If you don't know I have several ways you can follow the blog. If you are an email subscriber you get exclusive giveaways every now and then. Their are perks to following Angel's Guilty Pleasures! All follow options are on the sidebar.


Let's get to what was featured here on the blog, new arrivals to my book shelf, and of course all the lovely books I got to read this month.





The March Take Control of Your TBR starts on March 1st. I've picked 10 books to read for the challenge. The first 5 on my list are review copies I fell behind on, the next 4 are all library books I picked up, and the last is one I bought a long time ago, but never read. Come join the fun!!


My picks for this challenge to read:


A Very Jaguar Christmas by Terry Spear

Blood Freed by Traci Douglass  

Divine Awakening by Lia Davis

Otherworld Challenger by Jane Godman

Dark Divine by Lia Davis

Blood Cross by Faith Hunter

Midnight Marked by Chloe Neill

The Immortal Who Loved Me by Lynsay Sands

My Wild Irish Dragon by Ashlyn

Chase Vipers Run by Stephanie Tyler



Goodreads is coming along. I picked my goal as 100 books to read and have read 36.







(Clicking on the picture takes you to my review)






(Click picture takes you to post)






(Click picture takes you to post)







Tell Me Something Tuesday: Desert Island Books

Buy The Books ~ New Releases: 2/27 – 3/3

Delectable Delights — Creamy Mushroom Pork Chops

Buy The Books ~ New Releases: 2/19 – 2/25

Tell Me Something TuesdayFavorite romantic couples new and old

Cover Reveal: Exiled (Phoebe Meadows) by Amanda Carlson ~ Giveaway

Buy The Books ~ New Releases: 2/13 – 2/17

Delectable Delights — Cherry-Drizzled Pork Chops

My Reading Habits

Angel’s Weekly New Release List: 2/6 – 2/10




Make sure to double check $ pricing.

Some books are still free while others are back to their original or sale price. Affiliate Disclaimer: If you do purchase a book through us, it helps the blog! Links leading to Amazon may be affiliate links. We earn a small advertising fee from them for any purchases you make. It doesn’t cost you anything extra and it helps keep the blog running (so thank you!). It’s greatly appreciated!




Amazon Free - Ink Inspired, Unclaimed, Undone, Untamed, Untouched, Unleashed, Undenied, Unbound, Game Master, Rescued By Todin, Justice for Laine, Lure, Her Dragon Protector, Bear to Love, Prince of Demons, Stranger Worlds, Dragons Don’t Cry, Rebel Wolf, Moving to Love, Bound Series Bundle (4-6), Lovers at Heart, Destined for Love, FALCON: Resistance, CARNAL



Review Books


NetGalley/Edelweiss/Tour Host -  Lover Claimed, Ride Hard, Ride Rough



Author - Valen



Movie - Kubo and the Two Strings, The Secret Life of Pets, Alice Through the Looking Glass, Deadpool, Mad Max



Books - Fool Moon, My Wild Irish Dragon, Mercury Striking, The Immortal Who Loved Me, Blood Cross, & The Dangers of Dating A Rebound Vampire





(Clicking on the picture takes you to amazon)


Reaper’s Fire, Ride Hard, Lover Claimed, Vampire Most Wanted, Elizabeth’s Wolf, Own the Wind, Storm Front, Heated Pursuit, Regenerate, Valen, The Dangers of Dating A Rebound Vampire











