Review: Copper King (Takhini Shifters #1) by Vivian Arend (DNF)

Copper King - Vivian Arend

Copper King


Takhini Shifters #1

Genre: Erotic Parnormal Romance – Shifters – Bears

Published May 6th 2014

by Vivian Arend

Source: Free off Amazon

Goodreads – Amazon 


Originally published in the ALPHAS AFTER DARK box set.

Three things make billionaire Jim Halcyon’s to-do list: women, work…and more women. It’s a perfect agenda for a rich shifter who has no problem letting his inner grizzly out to play. From the bright lights of Vegas, to the sophisticated action of New York—he’s got the money and the power to do anything he wants.


Anything, except resist the lure of Lady Luck, an ancient copper coin he gambles yearly to possess. Jim is determined to regain control of the pretty penny, and damn if he’ll let any bit of eye candy distract him from his goal. Not even the mesmerizing woman in the middle of the casino floor with the shimmering hair and enormous green eyes.


With a life-changing move ahead of her, Lillie’s finagled a temporary layover en route to her future. She’s got five days to soak in new experiences, and while Vegas is too big and shiny and loud for her shy bear self, she’s eager to do this up right. It’s the last chance she’s got to let her hair down.


Until his challenge begins, Jim is more than willing to oblige Lillie’s wish for a final fling. Only Lady Luck has some twists of fate planned for them both…




I am not feeling this book. I’m around 39% in and I’m going to DNF this one. 


My first thought is that I am very disappointed that the lead couple slept together with no condom. I get that it was to be a one night stand that is turning into a few more nights, but that still does not give them a pass to not use protection. They don’t know each other at all!! Yes, they both are shifters, but the author did not say they couldn’t get prego, so I’m waiting for the every OH SHIT moment. 


Next, I’m not feeling the characters, no connection to either of them. Also I don’t get the heroine and why she keeps thinking this is her last hurrah. Is she getting married? Is she dyeing? Why did she sneak off to Vegas? So far their is no indication on what her deal is. So Ya, I’ve got questions and the oh shit moment on my brain which is just not working for me. 


Copper King was not the book for me. If the blurb intrigues you, I urge you to give it a shot. At the time I picked this one up for free off Amazon. Just because it did not work for me does not mean it won’t for you. 


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