Review: Kitty Goes to Washington (Kitty Norville, #2) by Carrie Vaughn

Kitty Goes to Washington - Carrie Vaughn
Kitty Goes to Washington

Celebrity werewolf and late-night radio host Kitty Norville prefers to be heard and not seen. So when she’s invited to testify at a Senate hearing on behalf of supernaturals, and her face gets plastered on national TV, she inherits a new set of friends, and enemies, including the vampire mistress of the city; an über-hot Brazilian were-jaguar; and a Bible-thumping senator who wants to expose Kitty as a monster. Kitty quickly learns that in this city of dirty politicians and backstabbing pundits, everyone’s itching for a fight.

~ 3 Stars ~

Kitty Goes to Washington is book two in Carrie Vaughn’s series “Kitty Norville”. It is an improvement from the first book Kitty and the Midnight Hour. We still have the radio aspect which I really enjoy. The hummer helps lighting the mood and I get the impression that Kitty is intelligent and well-read.

I still have some issues with the series. Like her thinking that her pack was nice. Her pack was not all that great! The reminiscing at the begging of the book got me frustrated. Yes, she has lost her pack mate and best friend TJ, she’s been kicked out of her pack and now has to do her radio show on the road. The other thing that got on my nerves is one minute she was sure of herself (mostly when on the air behind her microphone) and the next she was shying away scared of the world. She keeps having to fight herself/wolf to stay human and stand her ground. 


With this second installment it was a much more entertaining read. I want to continue the series and see where things go. Though it’s not a series I will be re-reading and I still have some issues with Kitty. 


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