Angel’s Monthly Wrap Up – April 2018



April was a nice month. I got to spend more time outside. Which I truly love. My flower garden is doing spectacular this year too. I bought a bunch of new flowers to try out. My son helped me pick out the flowers. The blue flower plant is the one he really wanted, since blue is his favorite color. As you can see I got them planted and they are doing spectacular in the garden. My rose bush is also coming back to life thanks to the Miracle-Gro LiquaFeed All Purpose Plant Food I got to spray on my plants.




I also bought some set cushions for my plastic chairs outside. Now everyone has a comfortable place to sit and enjoy the backyard and garden.



April Surprise Email Subscriber Giveaway – Jerry M won a $5 Amazon GC
April Book of Choice Hop – Gaby N. picked eCopy of Starry Eyes by Jenn Bennett
Raining Romance Book Hop – Nikki picked paperback copy of Midnight Heat by Sarah Grimm



April is National Library Week. I do so love my library. Their where several great posts this month featuring libraries, apps, and more. I did a post over at Bea’s Book Nook for her Libraries Around The World feature! This Month, Angel’s Guilty Pleasures & Millbrae, CA, stop on by and check it out.  


Their where also several great April Discussion Topics linked up and featured this month hosted by Feed your Fiction Addiction and It Starts at Midnight. My favorite ones are all the different Library posts. I hope you will hop on over and check out all the great discussions!



  • Win one of two complete sets of Faith Hunter’s Jane Yellowrock novels! Click Here
  • Enter to win a Piper J Drake Gift Basket (print copies of Extreme Honor and Hidden Impact, sports bag, fun Piper J Drake and Corbin swag) Click Here
  • Paperback of Blood Heart by Lexi C. Foss Click Here
  • $10 Amazon GC, ECopy of Murder, She Knit Click Here
  • $10 Amazon, an ecopy of both the books Click Here











April Library Love



Discussion ChallengeGOAL: My level will be 11-20 – Creative Conversationalist


Completed 19 out of 20


Try Something New: My Goal: Level 3: 21-40 books

  1. Pure Heat ~ Author/Series
  2. The One You Want ~ Series
  3. Carrots ~ Author/Series
  4. Cowboy SEAL Homecoming ~ Author/Series
  5. Kiss of Pride ~ Author/Series
  6. A Charming Crime ~ Author/Series
  7. How to Date a Dragon ~ Series
  8. A Taste for a Mate ~ Author/Series
  9. You’ve Got Tail ~ Author/Series
  10. Vampire’s Kiss ~ Author/Series
  11. One Wilde Night ~ Author/Series
  12. Memory Zero ~ Series
  13. The Perfectly Proper Paranormal Museum ~ Author/Series
  14. Blades of Magic ~ Author/Series
  15. Reckless in Texas – Author/Series
  16. Hot and Badgered – Series
  17. Soul Thing – Author/Series
  18. Dragons Among Them – Series/Author


Audiobook Challenge: My Goal: Binge Listener (Why read when someone can do it for you) 20-30

  1. The Hotter You Burn
  2. Branded by Fire
  3. Hostage to Pleasure
  4. Carrots
  5. The Closer You Come
  6. The One You Want
  7. Magic Breaks
  8. Magic Stars
  9. Magic Binds
  10. The Harder You Fall
  11. Kiss of Pride
  12. Can’t Hardly Breathe
  13. How to Date Your Dragon
  14. A Taste for a Mate
  15. Can’t Let Go
  16. Clean Sweep
  17. Bonds of Justice
  18. Dead Heat
  19. Blaze of Memory
  20. Magic Shifts
  21. Fire Touched
  22. Play of Passion
  23. Night Broken
  24. Dead Heat
  25. Kiss of Snow
  26. Heart of Obsidian
  27. Wild Embrace
  28. Wild Invitation 


Library Love Challenge: My Goal: Library Card on Fire: Read 60+ books

  1. Midnight Marked
  2. Pure Heat
  3. Hostage to Pleasure – Audio
  4. Banded by Fire – Audio
  5. Can’t Let Go – Audio
  6. Can’t Hardly Breath – Audio
  7. Fuel For Fire
  8. Blood Bound
  9. Bonds of Justice – Audio
  10. Blaze of Memory – Audio
  11. Memory Zone
  12. Play of Passion – Audio
  13. The Perfectly Proper Paranormal Museum
  14. Blades Of Illusion
  15. Runaway Vampire
  16. Kiss of Snow – Audio
  17. Reckless in Texas 
  18. Heart of Obsidian – Audio
  19. Silence Fallen
  20. Hot and Badgered
  21. Generation 18
  22. Shield of Winter – Audio


The Series That Never… Ends Challenge: My Goal: Level One – 5-9 books – Surviving the Book Tsunami

I picked the Charley Davidson Series (13 books/9 to read) for this challenge. I haven’t read or listen to any of the books I have left in the series, yet!


Goodreads Challenge

GOAL: 150 – Read 65 Books


March Take Control of Your TBR Pile

GOAL: 10 books – Read 12 




Make sure to double check $ pricing. Some books are still free while others are back to their original or sale price. All links lead to Amazon. When you do purchases a book or product through our posts it helps the blog with no added cost to you. All proceeds from the affiliate links support this blog and are used to fund the giveaway’s. It’s all completely anonymous. All support is approached. Thank you!


My Nook, Books, and More I won the March New Release Giveaway Hop and I picked Born of Darkness in paperback. I also won a $20 Amazon GC from Caffeinated Reviewer during the Diversity Hop & $30 Amazon GC from Author Dixie Lee Brown during the Blurb Blitz Tour for Heart of a SEAL, check out her book.




Thank you to the publishers, tour hosts, and authors.


Author ARC’s: Sevan by Mandy M. Roth, Wyvern’s Mate by Deborah Cooke, Wicked Witchcraft by Ella Summers (Newsletter Novella), Twelve Dancing Angels by Ella Summers (Newsletter Novella), Fighting for Everyone by Laura Kay






Amazon Free – Rebel Cowboy, Sinful Intent, The Montana Bride, Witched At Birth, Serious Leigh, Accidental Leigh




Amazon Bought – Desert Roots ($.99c deal), Psychic’s Spell, Untitled Hidden Legacy Novella #1 (Pre-Order), Chocolate With A Side of Murder ($.99c deal), How to Break an Undead Heart, How to Claim an Undead Soul, How to Save an Undead Life, Rome’s Chance



Nook –  Planet Dragos (Pre-Order)




Audiobook – Silence Fallen (1 Credit), Magic Bleeds (1 Credit)




Movies – Thor: Dark World, Doctor Strange, Strictly Ballroom




Wild Invitation, Generation 18, Wild Embrace, Hot and Badgered, Silence Fallen, Soul Thing, How to Break an Undead Heart, Dragons Among Them, Newsletter Exclusives: Volume 1 by Nalini Singh, Heart of Obsidian, Reckless in Texas, Shield of Winter





Thank’s for stopping in and checking out April’s Monthly Wrap!

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I was born and raised in Northern Indiana. I’m an outdoor sun loving reader living near San Fransisco. I’m a mother, wife, dog owner, animal, and book lover. I’m the owner, reviewer, and mind behind Angel’s Guilty Pleasures. My favorite animals are horses & dogs. As for reading I love all things paranormal & urban fantasy. My favorite shifters are dragons!

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