Captive's Kiss

Captive's Kiss - Sharon Kay ** Originally read in the Gathering Darkness: A Paranormal Romance Collection Boxed Set

Captive’s Kiss is a Watcher’s Kiss novella by Sharon Kay. It takes place in the Solsti Prophecy and Watcher’s Kiss world. This novella can be read as a stand-a-lone.

Captive’s Kiss starts us off hot and heavy. Oh boy where is my fan? Ms. Kay gives us a great run down of the world, how it works, and that it's the season of lust for most demons, so sex is on the brain. We get action, adventure, and a sweet romance. An interesting plot and new Watchers introduced to us.

If you have not tried Sharon Kay, I highly recommend you do. The world and characters are interesting and intriguing. If you are a fan, don’t miss reading this novella. You will enjoy returning to the Watchers world.

Rated: 4 Captive Stars

*Disclaimer: I received a complimentary copy free of charge from the author Sharon Kay with the sole purpose of an honest review. All thoughts, comments and ratings are my own.
